now is a good time to panic



Hello again! I took Kaiser for a walk this morning and was thinking about a secret that I’ve been keeping for years and years… I’m a creeper. I’m obsessed with seeing how other people live. I like to take the dog for walks at night because when it’s dark out, it’s easier to see people’s lit up living rooms. I KNOW. Creepy, right? My favorite part of Halloween wasn’t the candy or the costumes, or being terrified of monsters and ghouls… it was seeing what the inside of people’s houses looked like when they opened their door to administer our demanded treats.


I’ve only met one other person that admitted to a weird obsession similar to mine. She LOVED seeing what people ate. All of her friends knew that if they had an interesting meal, they were to take a picture and text it to her. Strange? Yes. Did I judge her for it? Nah. Not when I walk Kaiser slowly by people’s backyards trying to pretend that I’m not checking out their living room furniture. Because I totally am. Don’t get me wrong, now. I don’t notice if people get a new couch or a lamp or anything. I’m just curious. Especially if they live in my neighborhood. When I lived in Pu’uloa, all the houses were pretty much the same, so it really fascinated me to see all the different ways that everyone set up their homes.


Ooohh, and patios. I’m OBSESSED with them. I see the fancy outdoor furniture at home and garden stores and yearn. YEARN, you guys. In my head I have the picture of a perfect backyard, and I will not rest until it’s mine… I’ll just have to figure out a way to accomplish this without laying down $800 for that double outdoor chaise lounge that I saw in BH&G magazine.


Does anyone else have any weirdo tendencies? We aren’t judging around here… well… not today, at least. Next week the judging will start back up again, so confess while you can! I hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend!


booties, vomit, and twigs
17 March 2012, 8:41 am
Filed under: kaiser the wonderdog, nonsense | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,




Since my dad’s guest post yesterday was pet-based, I thought I’d share a little story. 


I had grown up with fairly large dogs, but while stationed in Japan, I fell in love with Kaiser the Wonderdog. Since Kaiser doesn’t have an undercoat, in the winter he completely freezes, so he gets to wear little sweaters when we go for walks. He doesn’t care, because in his mind sweater=walkies. The first winter that I had him, I tried those little booties, but that was a bad idea. First he pulled them off, then he chewed them up, then he ate them. Instead of stopping there, he proceeded to immediately throw them up, then rolled around in the vomit. Needless to say, I never tried the booties again. He taught me a lesson.


Now it’s seven years later, and we still have our gross moments. Like most dogs, he eats grass when his tummy is upset, and sometimes there’s a twig or two in there. When he goes to poop later, sometimes the twigs only come out part of the way, and then he completely freaks and runs in circles. I have to chase him down, paper towel in hand, and pull the twig the rest of the way out. These were not the scenarios that I had in mind when I got him, I promise you. He’s lucky he’s so cute.